Organic Millet Grain

Organic millet is a wonderfully tasty grain. It is rich in B vitamins, especially niacin, B6 and folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Activating Instructions

You can presoak to activate this grain.  Add 2 parts water with 1 part Millet and soak overnight (or 8 hours).  Drain and it's ready to use as a cereal or in a smoothie.

Cooking Instructions

To cook: Heat 2 parts millet to 5 parts water and boil for 30-35 minutes.

Organic Millet Storage

Store millet in sealed plastic or glass containers in a cool, dry cabinet. You may also store millet tightly wrapped in the refrigerator or freezer. A completely filled and sealed glass jar also works well for refrigerator storage. Millet will keep for about two months when properly stored in a kitchen cabinet, four months in the refrigerator, and six months or longer in the freezer. (Note: partially filled containers can pick up moisture in the refrigerator, so it is important to fill the container completely when storing millet in the refrigerator.)

$ 10 $ 12

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